Monday, June 13, 2011

belle brigade at satellite

Working at the front desk during Morning Becomes Eclectic at KCRW is always fun but one of my favorite moments is answering the phone when a band is playing for a person inquiring, “Who is this?!” What’s even better is when I’m answering a series of those phone calls - people so excited about what they’re hearing that they can’t wait for the interview to hear who’s playing.

The Belle Brigade performed back in April and it was one of those mornings. The brother-sister duo is invigorating to watch and it came across that morning over the radio waves.

I wrote a little something about them for the KCRW Music Blog that details their k.d. lang cool points, their crazy talented lineage (John Williams, what?!), and a cute story about their proud Dad calling into the station after their set.

So I knew I loved them even before I went to see them at Satellite for the first show of their tour last Friday night but as is usually the case seeing them live left me feeling like The Grinch with his heart growing three times it’s original size.

The crowd was full of Gruska friends and fans which made it feel like watching your high school friends jam out in their garage with smiles and love hanging in the air. The band stoked the flames from their fans breaking into random jam moments including their new song “Hey, look at my feet. Yeah!” after Barbara made a comment about being jealous of he brother's bare feet on stage and for the second to last song they had five of their friends from the audience come up and sing back up with them. The girls stayed on stage for their last song “Losers” which felt like the best cherry on top of a gourmet cake of an evening.

I said it in the KCRW post but it bears repeating: watching these two perform feels like standing on the edge of something big. And the best part: they seem totally unfazed - like they’d be playing the same way if there were three people in the audience or three hundred.

I wish them all the best. I absolutely cannot wait to say, “I saw them for $12 at Satellite in Los Angeles! Can you believe that?!”

Enjoy a couple videos below to get a little taste of their live performance...

The Belle Brigade - Where Not To Look For Freedom" (Live at SXSW) from Claire Marie Vogel on Vimeo.

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